Sunday, May 28, 2017


A team from Harvard and MIT formulated a cocktail of small molecules to treat hearing loss. Ingrediants not specified, the cocktail, fed to mice and cochlear cells in vitro, stimulates cochlear stem cells and the growth of functioning hair cells. The only problem may be the question of the growth factoron other  epithelial stem cells. 
OK, so do you want to look like a gurilla withgood hearing or stick with your Phonak hearing aids, no volenteers?
Cell Reports 2017 zFeb 21; 18: 1917

A second, possibly more practicle cocktail, reported in 
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2017 Mar 28; 114:3509
Proved a dietary supplement highly effective in preventing the post. partum blues. The cocktail comprised of 2 gm tryptophan, 10 gm tyyrosine and bluebarry juice qsad, given day 3, 4, 5 after delivery effectively mitigated the post partum elevated mono amine oxidase (MAO-A) levels. The small study was so dramatically successful as to hope for more serious later post partum depression benefits.