Share The US scientific community as ranked by the number of citations for our scientific articles falls behind Italy for 1012.
Our global ranking in the burden of disease studies(GBD) -- ranking us near the bottom -- may be only the tip of the iceberg. As for widely cited scientific papers, we were once far ahead of all other countries, but Switzerland surpassed us in the relative citation impact sometime prior to 2002. The UK followed suit in 2006 and now Italy in 2012. SciVal Analytics of Elsevier did the calculations. We do, however, remain ahead in the share in the top 1% of publications according to a notation in Nature News[1]
Can you doubt that our academic standing has slipped as a result of the exorbitant cost of higher education, or is there something more? Has medical education slipped as well; do physician extenders now practicing on their own, or does alternative medicine have an impact? Osteopathic schools are a growth industry. Hopkins advises medical student applicants seeking family practice to apply to schools of osteopathy. Many schools are back to a curriculum before Flexner paying for community preceptors and in a new wrinkle, standardized patients and semi robotic manikins.
Absent the academic rigorous of scientific education and of the ethical discipline of professional societies, entropy prevails. Has science given way to humanity, or has it given way to expedience?
[1] |Nature 12 Dec 2013, 504, p192
Our global ranking in the burden of disease studies(GBD) -- ranking us near the bottom -- may be only the tip of the iceberg. As for widely cited scientific papers, we were once far ahead of all other countries, but Switzerland surpassed us in the relative citation impact sometime prior to 2002. The UK followed suit in 2006 and now Italy in 2012. SciVal Analytics of Elsevier did the calculations. We do, however, remain ahead in the share in the top 1% of publications according to a notation in Nature News[1]
Can you doubt that our academic standing has slipped as a result of the exorbitant cost of higher education, or is there something more? Has medical education slipped as well; do physician extenders now practicing on their own, or does alternative medicine have an impact? Osteopathic schools are a growth industry. Hopkins advises medical student applicants seeking family practice to apply to schools of osteopathy. Many schools are back to a curriculum before Flexner paying for community preceptors and in a new wrinkle, standardized patients and semi robotic manikins.
Absent the academic rigorous of scientific education and of the ethical discipline of professional societies, entropy prevails. Has science given way to humanity, or has it given way to expedience?
[1] |Nature 12 Dec 2013, 504, p192